Day in the Life of a Social Media & Content Executive


You may be shocked to learn that my half-arsed blogging and re-posting of quotes on Instagram do not provide me with a full-time wage – no, instead I cruelly have to graft in an office for a living.

I kid (kinda) – I actually really like my job and feel lucky to have landed a position that I wanted for so long. My current role is as a Content and Social Media Executive at a beauty brand and, as I know this is an industry fellow bloggers are pretty interested in, I thought I would put together a little overview of my normal working day.

Is working in beauty always glamorous? Does a job in social media really involve sitting on Instagram all day? Read on to find out…

6:20AM Wake up and decide whether I can face the gym. If I can’t, then stop my alarm and wait for the next one to go off at 7:20. If I’m feeling brave and I can then…

6:30AM Get up, brush teeth and faff around getting my crap together for the gym. Think about how I really should have got this ready the night before. Have a breakdown when I can’t find matching trainer socks, despite the fact that all I buy are black trainer socks.

7:00AM – 7:15AM Head to the gym, which is suuuuuper conveniently located in the same building as my office. Do some sort of work out while fantasising about breakfast.

8:00AM Finish workout and get ready for work in the changing rooms of the gym. Think about how much easier life would be if I didn’t wear makeup, but also how often I would scare innocent children.

8:40AM Get into work. Make a cup of tea IMMEDIATELY.

9:00AM Check both of our brands’ Facebook and Twitter accounts first for the community management side of the job. Respond to any questions, send complainers through to our customer service team and share any nice images we’ve been tagged in (all about that UGC isn’t it huns).

10:00AM Have a quick browse through Twitter and the Daily Mail sidebar of shame for anything noteworthy that’s happened in the world of celebrity hair and beauty. If something has happened, e.g. OH MY GOD KYLIE JENNER’S BLEACHED HER HAIR ON SNAPCHAT, plan some reactive content asap. This can vary from the small, i.e. a quick tweet “Loving Kylie’s new look!” to the larger pieces of content, i.e. “7 Things to Think About Before Hitting the Bleach like Kylie” depending on workload/enormity of the celeb news.

11:30AM A few days a week I’ll usually have a meeting, often around this time because people are sadists and like to schedule meetings at prime belly-rumbling time. Meetings might be internal and involve a catch up with the rest of the marketing team, or external and involve some of the brands we work with, such as ghd or L’Oreal. Sometimes we’re shown new launches and I get to feel really glam; other times we’re just getting updated on the new toilets. Swings and roundabouts.

1:00PM Lunchtime, YAY.

2:00PM Crack on with some more content. This side of the job is incredibly varied, and on a typical day could include anything from writing copy for our website or Facebook adverts to creating blog posts or editing videos (the latter often involves me playing my colleagues clips of stock music until I make everyone’s ears bleed. They love it. Probably).

4:00PM Schedule in social posts for the evening and following day. We’re a hair salon chain but also have a large eCommerce website, so I try to make sure our social channels includes a healthy mix of content and messages. The social media management tools help me to fill our feeds with product imagery, before-and-after hair shots and links to our (hopefully helpful, interesting and totally hip and rad) blog posts.

5:00PM It’s time for one final check of our messages and notifications to ensure there haven’t been any unanswered questions/haircut disasters throughout the day and then…

5:30PM Freeeeeeeeeeeedom!

Of course my working day can vary hugely, but I hope you’ve enjoyed this little insight into the world of social media and content. If anyone has any questions (please refrain from ‘how did an idiot like you get employed?’ if you can) then feel free to tweet me @vanity__claire or leave a comment below!

(PS Obviously my job doesn’t involve me sitting on my bed looking at my phone, as this featured image would have you believe, but I thought setting my tripod up at my desk might be a little unusual.)


8 Responses

  1. Yiota January 4, 2018 / 8:21 pm

    I work in the most boring office in the world but as long as it pays my bills, I am happy with it. That’s why I love blogging so much, it’s my hobby and my passion and I really do something that makes me excited.


    • Claire January 5, 2018 / 8:55 am

      Completely agree, as long as you’re passionate about something and enjoy your day then that’s all that matters 🙂 Thanks for reading! xx

  2. Anika Hunt January 5, 2018 / 4:09 pm

    This post was so interesting to read! Love day-in-the-life content and I loved this! Wonderful post, it was very funny! xo

    Anika |

  3. Kimberly van Menxel January 7, 2018 / 5:40 pm

    I love this blog post! I’m finishing up my masters degree and have to enter the real world pretty soon. So this gives me a real insight on what I want to pursue within marketing. So thank you for that!


  4. katie January 10, 2018 / 8:14 am

    being the nosy little shit that i am, i loved this insight into your day! im also crazy jealous that the gym is in the same building as your office! i might actually find myself there once in a while if my office had one too! but for now my abs are staying well and truly hidden (because my office might not have a gym…but it does have a sweet jar haha)

    katie. xx

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