My November Homeware Wishlist


In the interest of being as diverse and vaguely interesting here on the old blog, Claire and I have been delving into new territory and writing about things we know nothing about interiors and homeware. This was mostly inspired by our beautiful new house, which now may or may not be be slightly covered in my moulting brown hair and miscellaneous socks. We’ve done a couple of posts giving you perverts a tour of our bedrooms (read Claire’s bedroom post and mine here) and now I’m lurking about creating wishlists and spending my money on ridiculous things (because buying a personalised doormat with a Step Brothers quote was normal behaviour).


Bird Frame from Vintage Forever on Facebook. Black ornate frames from ThePaintedLady on Etsy. Gold Frames from Huckleberry Vintage on Etsy. Owl Frame from Vintage Forever on Facebook.

I may have gone a little frame mad and wish everything in my life could be framed, but gone are the days that I collage merry pics of my and my pals next to my Eminem poster. I want to do some wall collages with picture frames in the very near future, and I’m thinking a mixture of these cute animal pictures with framed snaps of me and my pals will go down veeeery nicely. We also need some frames to go on the walls of our staircase, so I will be suggesting these black ones to my house pals for sure. And they will say “those are far too big, are you mad” but I won’t care.


Chalkboard hearts from Etsy. Tableware from British Home Stores. Carbs sign from Etsy.

Our kitchen is teeny tiny and there is about enough space to play a game of miniature golf. And by miniature I mean ant size. Nevertheless, we have a cute monochrome look going on at the moment (complete with canvasses of a cat and dog wearing hats). We need some matching tableware but unfortunately, most monochrome plates etc are horribly boring and involve polkadots. These are the best I’ve seen, I really love them but I’m not sure if my home gals will!


Coatstand from Ikea. Bathe sign from Ebay. Birdcage from Ebay.

We have a little bit of spare room in our hallway and a hatstand is the obvious answer…apart from the fact we don’t own many hats. Which means we have to buy hats to put on it, no biggie. Our bathroom also has a little shelf to put things on. We currently have a couple of candles but want a gay bath sign to jazz it up. Lame? Maybe, but who the hell cares? FINALLY, We have a big gaping hole in our fireplace and are looking for something cute to cover it up, Claire suggested a birdcage and it would look hugely cute fo sho. FO SHO I TELL YOU.

What do you all think of my homeware wish list? Any suggestions??

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Our New Crib | Lauren’s Bedroom

Ahoy there pals,

As you may be aware, Claire and I have recently moved homes. Our old place was a very interesting array of horrific carpets and there is a distinct possibility that an old lady died in there (just on Saturday I found some weird talcum powder in my wardrobe, good heavens). Our new house is a beautiful palace of wonderment, and this is the start of a new series showing off where we now live (for all of you stalkers out there that like to imagine us lurking around at home).

I have to say, I managed to bag myself one of the most beautiful rooms in the history of the world. I was lucky in the sense I didn’t have much furniture, so I could build my room around the space I had. So, I ended up with the stunning mint green boudoir with wooden floorboards and a BEEYYYOOOOTIFUL white mantelpiece. HUZZAH AND THANKS TO THE QUEEN (and my lovely housemates who had too much furniture to fit in, tehehe).

I’ve not quite finished decorating, but the finishing touches will involve a nice rug in the next couple of months and maybe hanging a bit of bunting for some winter cheer (because nothing says cheerful like a string of triangular shaped bits of paper).

The Mantelpiece:

1379625_10152520715802565_767244461_nI have huge, weird love for my mantelpiece. It’s an excellent place to stash all of my useless candles and random things I have collected over the years. The fireplace mirror is actually an excellent one for doing my makeup in, so any unannounced visitors are likely to find me on the floor surrounded by lipsticks wailing about my troll face. For anyone who is particularly nosey, I keep my wires and framed photograph of a ship (a weird charity shop purchase) in the leopard print box and the union jack book is a scrapbook my mum made me for my 21st. The bucket is not, in fact, a milk bucket for the cow I keep in my bedroom but rather my quirky rubbish bin.

1383481_10152520715192565_548198724_nIn a fit of being sensible, I went for Ikea’s cheapest wardrobe (and also because my lovely mother was treating me to it) but it’s a jolly good thing I did – it only just fits in my alcove! There’s not much to say, apart from the fact I look like a victim of domestic abuse after putting this thing together (because of the flatpack related bruises, not because it comes with fists). For £60, it’s really good quality and also comes with a shelf which is just marvellous and fine.

1383186_10152520713447565_104073422_nCan we all spend a moment mooning over this chest of drawers? If you’d read Claire’s wardrobe organising post, you may notice that it’s the same brand as her wardrobe. Unfortunately, this wardrobe wouldn’t fit in my bedroom so I had to delight myself with the drawers and side table. I am being a tidy egg and ensuring that everything is hidden away, so I just have the bare minimum on the actual top bit. I have ALL of my toiletries and bits in the top drawer, undercrackers and PJs in the second and tshirts and not-very-often-worn bottoms in the last drawer. And now all the creeps know where I keep my pants. Excellent.

1391427_10152520716787565_933749445_n-1Here is my matching Brusali bedside table, complete with Game of Thrones and a nice lamp from Wilkinsons (£6! PARDON AND HELLO). What impresses me most about this bedside table is that there is a little opening at the back for your plugs to go through. No longer do you have to suffer through the trauma of having your phone charger on show. It is nicely concealed in the cupboard. If that isn’t wizardry, I don’t know what is.

What do you all think of my new bedroom? If you have any suggestions of how I can add anything more, I would be most grateful – my interior decoration skills are about as good as a blind homeless troll from the mountains.

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